Saturday, February 10, 2007

Boston Update 2/10/07

Most of my friends (but probably not all) know that I am training for my second crack at the Boston Marathon. Last years experience was less than what I'd hoped for. This year I am adding about 8 miles a week over what I did last year plus a frequent hill workout. My overall goal is to run the race in less than 3 hours. A Sub-3 hour marathon for me borders on the very extreme limits of my God-given ability. It will be close.
Last year I was on pace for most of the race until I hit the infamous hills beginning around Mile 16. I toiled my way through the hills but began cramping very badly (hence the hill workouts this year) around Mile 21. I'll try to keep everyone posted on my progress as I get closer to April 16th. So far almost everything feels good. My weight is down to 158 and I am running right at 65 miles a week.

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