Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Wellesley Women

For me, one of the most charming features of the Boston Marathon was running past the women of Wellesley College. Wellesley is an all girls school that boast famous alumni such as Diane Sawyer, Cokie Roberts, Hillary Rodham Clinton, & Madeleine Albright. For at least one day a year these very academic ladies take a break from their studies and lend their whole hearted support to the marathon runners.

The line of Wellesley students extends for roughly a quarter of a mile down the right hand side of the marathon route. During the marathon these ladies will spend hours screaming, yelling, and encouraging all runners who pass by. While I was running past Wellesley several runners stopped to receive kisses from the girls. I also noticed that most of the runners increased their pace as they approached the college. From my perspective it was a welcome pick-me-up at mile 12 and a neat memory that I'll tuck away from my Boston experience.

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