Sunday, September 23, 2007

Standing by His Man

Oklahoma State coach Mike Gundy went nuclear on the Oklahoma media (specifically the Daily Oklahoman's Jenni Carlson) yesterday. Gundy took offense to this column that was critical of his once starter now back-up, quarterback's attitude. Enjoy the meltdown.


Anonymous said...

I was thrilled to see him go off on her. It is time someone went off on someone in the media. I am sick and tired of them. They all believe that if it bleeds it lead and that they can say anything they wish with no recourse. Go Coach!!!!!

James E. Miller said...

My comment on this story on Joice's blog:

I discussed this situation with my news writing class today.

Frankly, Gundy’s accusation that most of the column is false is a serious claim that he hasn’t been able to defend.

While he certainly has a right to publicly disagree with a reporter, he does not have the right to make bogus claims that could harm a professional journalist’s credibility. If he believes some things printed were incorrect, he needs to be specific and provide proof.

He also has a contractual responsibility to maintain a respectable disposition. Instead, he freakin’ lost it at the press conference.

So, while I understand his tirade (I thought the column was somewhat in bad taste), his actions aren’t justified.

David Parks said...

Jennu Carlson: "Coach Gundy, you stated that 75% of my articles was inaccurate, can you identify which parts we not accurate?"

Gundy: (Crickets Chirping)

I think his quote was "I won't becuase I don't have to."

....nice job coach