Saturday, February 02, 2008

Chris Berman (I'm not a fan)

I never liked the guy before this little episode (linked below) hit youtube and I certainly have no use for him now. If you would like to see his outburst and are one that is not offended by harsh and profane language, you can view it here. If you want to read more about Chris Berman, the father and family man, you can click here.


jbamonet said...

I would bet there is something else going on in Chris's life to make him get that made at something that small. From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. But let's give the guy a break. We've all lost our temper and from the looks of the banner in the background this was 8 years ago. Lets be glad we are not famous and our least shinning moments from nearly a decode ago aren't broadcast on the web. Never can tell maybe the guy has turn his heart around in 8 years,HE Could Go All THE Way ... to heaven.

Shana said...

Wow! This blog is so you, Mr. Parks. I know that you and Troy are so on the same page with almost everything and he enjoys reading your comments. Hope all is well with you and the fam! We miss you guys! Shana