Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Blogging on Boston, Now the Good News....

This year I have made every effort to eliminate the speed bumps the prevented me from excelling last year. Here is a brief summary of the modest changes and additions I have made to my preparations for the 2007 Boston Marathon.

#1- Last year my average weekly mileage total was somewhere between 56-58. This year I have upped my weekly mileage to 63-65. This would be roughly a 10% increase and should benefit me.

#2 – Last year I had a horrible time sleeping the last four nights before the race. I would sit in bed and just think about the race. Sometime around 3 or 4 AM I would drift off into a shallow and restless sleep. This year a good doctor friend of mine has generously provided me with several samples of the sleep aide Lunesta. I sleep 7 hours and wake up with no drowsy side effects! I will be using this every night except for the Sunday night before Monday's race. I feel that last year my lack of sleep was the most significant single factor in my bonking. This year it won't be a problem.

#3 – This year I have trained for the hills of Newton, Massachusetts. During my long runs I have purposely hit some of the nastiest hills in Columbia after I have been running for two hours. I have no doubt that this will help me both physically and mentally as I approach Newton and the infamous hills.

#4 – I will be carrying packets of the carbohydrate wonder gel, “GU” in my shorts. My shorts have mesh pockets specifically designed for carrying packets of carb-gel. GU, once ingested, should give me 2-3 extra miles of carbs before I hit the wall.

#5 – I have been on spring break for the last two weeks! I am rested and ready to go. Usually I spend my two week spring break in the woods hunting turkey. This year I have given up my early morning hobby in the interest arriving in Boston as rested as I possibly can be.


Russ said...

Giving up hunting for running?! Don't think I could do it. Probably explains why I'm still slow and fat. Best of luck in Boston. I'll be tracking your progress!!

Dallas said...

I am extremely impressed! Wow, you sure do run fast :). A few years ago, I ran (jogged) the 1/2 marathon in Nashville and finished in 2 hours and 10 minutes. I was so proud of myself. The next year I did it in 2 hours and 8 minutes and knew that I had created some kind of world record. It's hard to be proud of times like that when you are running double that amount in about the same time.

I will be watching the website and tracking your progress. The Henderson's are excited for you!

c said...

Hey Parks Family!! Hope the Boston trip goes well for you. If you email me I can add you to our blog list. I can not believe Josie is 3! Time has flown since we were young childless couples. Best of luck in Boston

Scott and Cassie Goode