Friday, April 06, 2007

Spring Break!

Well- We are almost finished with one of our two week spring break. Time sure does fly!! We have managed to spend a lot of family time together, which has been wonderful!! We also have completed, with the help of my dad, Josie's swing set. She got it for her birthday in Feb., but we had to wait for it to be warmer to put it together. Although- it was around 50 degrees both days of construction! We still have to build the ladder and install the slide. We are also going to add a baby swing for Jenna. This weather is weird!!
We went to Kentucky today to visit David's grandparents. On the way back we saw some snow flurries!! It is always fun to visit the grandparents- they really love seeing the great-grandkids!!
Tomorrow is our church Easter Egg Hunt- it is going to be chilly! Josie is excited about the hunt and that the bunny is coming tomorrow night. Jenna will stay at home with David. It will be too cold for her to be out.
Speaking of Jenna- she turned 10 months old this week! She is a master at crawling and pulling up. She loves to talk and says bible and uh oh!! She loves her big sister too!
David is tapering off on his running- we leave for Boston a week from tomorrow. We are excited! My roommate from college- Ericka and her husband are going with us! No kids! It will be nice, but I will sure miss my girls. I have not been away from them this long ever!! Josie informed that I could not go to Boston because her and Jenna would be all alone. Talk about a heart breaker! They will be staying with my mom and dad!!
I will try to post pics from the Easter Egg Hunt tomorrow.


Sara said...

I found your blog while at Dallas' blog.

Wow..I'm so impressed that you are both do the Boston Marathon. That is awesome! Does your friend Ericka live in Knoxville by chance?? If I am thinking correctly, they might go to our church.


David Parks said...

I read Jim's blog, but I can't get to yours? Thanks for the comment. Ericka lives in Nashville. I am just going with David to Boston- I am not running. With two young kids it is hard for me to find time to train. Maybe one day!


Dallas said...

Beautiful swing...what a great carpenter David must be :). I know, the weather is crazy! It snowed in Northwest Arkansas a few night ago! Our Easter Egg hunt is cancelled for tomorrow because the high is only supposed to be in the 40's. Sad, but understandable. I can't wait to read all about the marathon! Go DAVID!